Tips for your job interviews

Feel free to use these friendly tips to showcase your confidence during an interview in a way that feels completely natural and comfortable just for you! Remember, being yourself is the key!

Dress the part!

Choosing the right outfit for your interview can really help you feel more confident. Take some time to look into the company’s dress code so you know how to present yourself. You could also browse their website for photos of employees in action. For instance, check if they lean toward formal attire or prefer a business casual vibe. If you’re ever unsure, it’s always a good idea to dress a bit more formally while making sure everything fits just right!

Stay attentive

Certain body postures can really show that you’re alert, engaged, and confident during your interview. If you can, start by sitting with your arms uncrossed in your lap to create an open and friendly vibe. If keeping an upright posture is tough for you during the interview, feel free to let your interviewer know beforehand or even during the chat about how you prefer to present yourself so they can help make any necessary adjustments!

Try out some breathing techniques!

They can really help you relax and stay calm before your interview. Taking a few deep breaths can clear your mind and boost your confidence. Just take a moment to inhale deeply through your nose, hold it for a second, and then exhale slowly through your mouth. It’s a simple way to center yourself and feel more at ease!

If you’re a job seeker who tends to feel nervous during interviews, practicing slow, deep breathing can really help you re-center and think more clearly. When stress hits your body, blood tends to flow away from your brain and into your muscles. This decrease in blood flow to the brain can affect how well you think. Taking slow and deep breaths can enhance airflow in your body and help restore mental clarity!

  1. Inhale deeply through your nose.
  2. Aim to take in as much air as possible, expanding your stomach if you can.
  3. Gradually exhale through your mouth.
  4. Repeat this process three times, concentrating on centering your thoughts during each exhalation.

Practice your answers ahead of time!

Getting ready for common interview questions can boost your confidence during an interview. You might want to ask a friend or family member to practice with you, or utilize a video conferencing tool for rehearsals.

Think well and speak slowly.

Individuals who appear self-assured often take their time when answering questions. Aim to speak at a slower pace, if you can, and tackle each interview question one point at a time. If you need a moment to gather your thoughts, it’s perfectly fine to say, “That’s an excellent question. Give me a moment to think about that.” Additionally, don’t hesitate to request clarification from the interviewer if needed.

Practice eye contact

To demonstrate confidence, you could begin by working on your eye contact, as appropriate. Maintaining natural and steady eye contact during your interview is an effective way to convey assurance, while also steering clear of eye contact that feels overly intense or prolonged. For some, maintaining eye contact may feel awkward or even difficult; however, other nonverbal signals can effectively convey your confidence and express your enthusiasm for the position. You might also think about using vocal affirmations like “uh-huh” to indicate that you’re involved in the interview and paying attention.

Be aware of your body movements.

Certain physical behaviors, such as fidgeting, might suggest anxiety or be connected to a disability. If you can manage these actions, it’s helpful to rehearse prior to your interview. For instance, if you have a habit of tapping your fingers or twisting your hair, practice resting your hands on the table instead. If you often shake your legs when feeling nervous, try keeping your hands in your lap and applying light pressure as a cue to help stop the shaking.

Be positive!

In the end, try to approach your interview with a positive vibe. Imagine yourself in the role you’re applying for and think about all the ways you could bring value to the company and position. It might help to practice parts of the interview that you’ve felt unsure about before. This will set you up for a better outcome! Staying upbeat and being well-prepared will help you shine as an enthusiastic and valuable candidate for the role.

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